Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why do I feel guilty?

" So often people respond to guilt by engaging more in the guilt evoking act in an attempt to drown the sense of guilt" : Martin Luther King, Jr.

I feel that it's really an awsome way how nature works. If one hurts others we have a surge of emotions towards the person and empathy rises. This leads to shame, after all we are social animals right, no matter how bad we are we feel responsible. And the most astonishing fact is that we hurt those things too which we care about every second of our existence, ourselves.

The problem is that there are many ways we try to avoid guilt that result in more guilt. Its an unconscious process and also cyclic. 

What I mean the feeling of the fact that one does wrong to someone by not performing up to the mark. At times it demoralizes you and crushes you from the inside.

You know how to overcome this guilt. Yes I found some ways. To curb the guilt one need commitment.  There are a few simple things that I have changed and done and that has helped me to regain some self esteem in the recent past.

1.        If you commit to something stick to it: It’s simple if you can’t complete something in or at the time you should never commit to such a work. It avoids further guilt and shame and saves a lot of time for reasoning and prevents unwanted arguments that may prove as source to more guilt. It took a long time for me to understand it and I would recommend it for each of us out there in the world who are troubled with being stuck in the cobwebs of their commitments and make their life a chaotic one.

2.       Completed work = satisfaction= confidence. : Another simple equation and this really boosts you morale and you would be compelled to work further more. So we again have a work cycle and the output would be pure relaxation.

3.       Forget the past..After you have learnt from it: The moment we look back in the past we tend to realize our failures and we are loaded with remorse. So my way of looking at the past is that you see your past as a learning experience. Don’t ever go crying over it, learn, and learn to overcome obstacles and avoiding mistakes. Learn to move on!!

In the memory of Bapu

Keep Smiling,

P.S. : This post was written by me when I was listening to ‘Trouble’ by Coldplay for 4 hours straight and couldn’t imagine how much this masterpiece shook me from inside. Today on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti this post is a homage to one the greatest teacher and leader that ever inspired this world with truth and non-voilence.

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